Alice Cooper believes modern audiences are ‘shock proof’ – Music News

The 73-year-old rocker doesn’t think the theatrical performances his group staged in the 1970s – which featured snakes, blood, and guillotines – wouldn’t cause so much controversy today because crowds are not fazed by anything.

He said: “You could cut off your arm and eat it on stage and it wouldn’t matter. The audience is shock proof.”
The ‘School’s Out’ rocker admitted his aim was to give fans something they knew their parents would “hate” and wanted to be so shocking, people couldn’t take their eyes away from the stage.

He told “We gave the audience everything their parents hated. The way we saw it, if you’re driving by and you see Disneyland on the left side and a plane wreck on the right, you’re going to look at the plane wreck. We were that plane wreck.”

But the band’s early work proved too much for the local scene in Los Angeles and Alice – whose real name is Vincent Furnier – admitted “nobody got” what they were trying to do.

He said: “We had that experimental sound, and when you put the theatre on top of it, nobody got it at all.

“I think we scared the LA audience. They were mostly on acid and Alice Cooper is not what you want to see when you’re on acid.”

The veteran rocker is looking forward to getting back on stage once the coronavirus pandemic eases and he insisted he always feels comfortable performing ‘I’m Eighteen’ because his alter ego is just a character and never ages.

He said: “When you sing that song in front of an audience, you are 18.

“The way I look at it, Alice is like Batman or Spiderman. Those characters never age.”

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