Billie Eilish requests protection from camping fan – Music News

Billie Eilish has sought protection from a man she claims is harassing her.

The singer has a real life bad guy she claims has been threatening her outside her Los Angeles home and she has filed legal documents seeking a restraining order.

Eilish alleges John Hearle has even taken to camping on the grounds of a school across the street from her pad and sends her disturbing letters.

According to the documents, obtained by TMZ, one note read: “You can’t get what you want, unless what you want is to die for me.”

The disturbing message went on: “You will know that soon the water will rise, and you might very well die…You will die.”

Eilish added she feels anxious every time she comes home, and she fears for her safety, as she claims Hearle watches her enter and exit her house. She also reported that he always says something to her or makes gestures, including a throat-slitting move, whenever he sees her.

If the case is successful, Eilish wants a judge to force Hearle to stay at least 200 yards away from her and her parents at all times.

Meanwhile, police officials are investigating Hearle.

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