Industry Vet & Life Coach Lynn McDonnell Tackles COVID-19 Fatigue In This Week’s …


Lynn McDonnell Tackles Covid Relief

30-year music exec turned Life Coach and certified Hypnotist LYNN MCDONNELL shares a new way of communication and execution in her weekly column “Inside Project” which addresses how to feel good, live in joy, and have internal peace.

This week she tackles something we can all relate to. MCDONNELL says, “As we approach the year mark of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us are hitting a wall. Mentally, and physically sick and tired of the whole thing. COVID fatigue is real.”

She ponders how to deal with the downtime and uncertainty of what is to come if and when the pandemic ever ends. And she asks a very important question, “If this experience were to last forever – what quality would have to emerge for me to have peace of mind?” Read the full column here. 

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