Britney Spears ‘feels way better’ after adopting portion control diet – Music News

Britney Spears has told fans her body feels “way better” after she decided to lose some weight by controlling her portion sizes.

The Toxic singer frequently shares videos of herself showing off her impressive dance moves on her Instagram page, and as she posted the latest instalment on Tuesday, she explained that she might look slightly different to the video before, as she has become much healthier in recent months.

“The last video that I posted of me dancing was from months ago …” she wrote. “Hence why my body looks a little different in this new video !!!! No … I didn’t follow through with the ice cream diet …. I chose portion control which is very hard when it comes to Doritos !!!!! On a positive note … my body does feel way better now !!!!”

Britney also explained why she was wearing socks on half of her feet, as she told her followers she is waiting for the arrival of some professional lyrical shoes to wear for her performances.

“The marble floor has done a number on my feet with blisters so white tape covered with a black sock will have to do for now !!!!” she wrote. “My lyrical shoes come tomorrow and I haven’t worn a pair since I was 9 so I’m sure they’re even better these days !!! God bless and sending love to all of you.”

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