Lady Gaga’s dogwalker was comforted by lucky pooch after attack – Music News

Lady Gaga’s pet, Miss Asia, helped comfort her dog walker as he lay in a pool of blood after thugs attacked him last week, shot him in the chest, and stole two pooches.

Miss Asia escaped the dognappers’ grasps and ran away from the scene, but not before making sure Ryan Fischer was OK.

In his first statement since his attack in Hollywood, Fischer recalled laying on the ground with Gaga’s French bulldog by his side.

“4 days ago, while a car sped away and blood poured from my gun shot wound, an angel trotted over and laid next to me,” he wrote in an emotional social media post on Monday that described the ambush.

“My panicked screams calmed as I looked at her, even though it registered that the blood pooling around her tiny body was my own,” he went on.

Recounting that he “cradled Asia as best I could,” Fischer said he thanked the dog “for all the incredible adventures we’d been on together” and vowed he would try to save her brothers and himself.

“Hopeful that my calm(ish) and forceful pleas for the urgency of my care as well as the focused descriptions of the dogs would be enough to help me and get enough police and media attention to find the boys, I looked backed at my guardian angel,” he shared.

Miss Asia took off minutes later and was found by police nearby an hour after the attack on Wednesday night.

Her ‘brothers’, Gustav and Koji, were returned safely to Gaga on Friday night when an unidentified woman, who had no links to the dog thieves, found them tied to a pole hours after the pop star made an impassioned plea for an “act of kindness” to bring her pets back, offering a $500,000 (£360,000) reward.

Police are still investigating the dognapping.

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