Ozzy Osbourne keeping fit with wall mirror fitness system – Music News

Ozzy Osbourne is using a high-tech wall mirror to keep his fitness levels up.

The Black Sabbath rocker isn’t letting his Parkinson’s disease diagnosis stop him from leading a healthy lifestyle, and has invested in a $2,220 (£1,700) wall mirror fitness system, called Mirror, in his home gym in Los Angeles.

“I’m feeling a lot better, I go to my gym, where I have got one of these things to help you work out,” he told The Sun. “So, instead of the trainer, you’ve got a mirror and the training programme.

“And I am working from the screen if you want to build on abs, legs or arms it sets it up for you.”

Other celebrity fans of Mirror include Jennifer Aniston and Kate Hudson.

While he’s keeping up his workout regime, 71-year-old Ozzy has discovered his pain threshold when it comes to tattoos.

Although heavily inked, the English star had to abandoned plans to get a full sleeve tattoo when he found he couldn’t take the agony.

“They reckon that as you get older it hurts more. When I started getting this f**king sleeve I was like I am too old, stop,” Ozzy said on his Boneyard station on U.S. radio.

“I was 50-something and I was like what the f**k are you doing. When he got (to) my elbows I was like what are you doing? What are you paying this f**king a**ehole to do?”

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