Britney Spears appreciates FreeBritney movement – Music News

Britney Spears has broken her silence on the FreeBritney movement and insisted her devotees are right to be worried about her conservatorship.

The conservatorship has been in place since 2008, following Britney’s much-publicised breakdown, with Spears’ father, Jamie, now in sole charge of her estate.

The pop star has been fighting to end his role, but her legal efforts have fallen flat so far.

Now the Toxic hitmaker is suggesting Jamie should work alongside financial experts of her choosing and has asked the judge overseeing the case to appoint officials at financial management organisation the Bessemer Trust Company the power of attorney to control her affairs.

Concerned fans launched the FreeBritney movement last year, fearing the singer was being forced to do things against her will and aides were pretending to be her online to create an illusion all was well.

A new statement from Britney’s lawyer obtained by TMZ reads: “Far from being a conspiracy theory or a ‘joke’ as James (Jamie) reportedly told the media, in large part this scrutiny is a reasonable and even predictable result of James‘ aggressive use of the sealing procedure over the years to minimize the amount of meaningful information made available to the public.”

It continues: “Britney welcomes and appreciates the informed support of her many fans.”

The legal representative also claimed his client is keen to make all matters concerning the conservatorship public, and that she would like fans to know everything.

“Britney argues there are no medical issues or sensitive issues with her children to protect, so there’s no reason to keep the hearing secret,” the lawyer explained, adding: “Britney herself is vehemently opposed to this effort by her father to keep her legal struggle hidden away in the closet as a family secret.”

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