The Killers have found ‘no corroboration’ in sexual assault claims by road crew members – Music News

The Killers have found “no corroboration” in claims of sexual assault by members of their road crew in 2009.

Brandon Flowers and cos legal team, Reynolds & Associates, launched an investigation last month after sound engineer, Chez Cherrie, alleged part of their crew had boasted about assaulting an unconscious woman backstage in a dressing room in Milwaukee.

However, after contacting her, the venue and alleged victim, there was no evidence to suggest this was the case.
However, the ‘Caution’ rockers would still like anyone with any other details to get in touch, whilst they are working to make sure further reports of assault or inappropriate behaviour are reported immediately.

In a harrowing blog post, Cherrie had claimed she overheard a front of house engineer allegedly tell the crew members that there was “a girl set up in Dressing Room A,” and that they could put their name down “when it’s [their] turn”.

In a lengthy statement, the legal team for the Las Vegas band stated that they were “unable to find any corroboration” in the claims, but Cherrie said she had “conflicted feelings” about the response.

However, she praised the ‘Somebody Told Me’ band for carrying out the internal investigation and admitted she hopes it will be a starting point for future cases like this in the industry.

In their statement, the lawyers claimed that Cherrie “felt she had nowhere to turn with her concerns at the time, the Killers plan to take immediate action for future tours.”

They continued: “[The Killers] expressed regret that the temporary crew member was made to feel unsafe and bullied during her brief time with the band and understand that it is not always feasible for touring crew to raise concerns with their immediate superiors.”

In her own statement, Cherrie said: “After reading through the Killers’ press release regarding my blog, I have conflicting feelings.

“First, I am grateful that they, as an organization, have taken my experience seriously and were moved to internally investigate and potentially lead the industry in a restorative manner so this never happens again. (sic)”

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