Gary Barlow enjoying anonymity among masked supermarket shoppers – Music News

Gary Barlow is loving the British rule that everyone must wear masks in supermarkets – because it means he can fly under the radar.

As the frontman of Take That, Gary has millions of fans worldwide, and – before the COVID-19 pandemic – was recognised wherever he went. However, now that it’s the law to wear a mask when in shops in the U.K., Gary has been enjoying a new level of anonymity.

“I was in (supermarket) Asda the other week and people just wandered by me,” he told Britain’s Cosmopolitan magazine.

“I’m going to do Aldi next week,” he shared, adding: “that it’s illegal not to wear a mask is the best thing that’s ever happened!”

Keeping himself busy during lockdown, Gary has been hosting The Crooner Sessions on his YouTube page – which has seen him team up with stars including Rod Stewart and Leona Lewis – as well as spending time with his wife Dawn and their three children.

But it seems being cooped up indoors has made Gary more emotional than normal, as he admitted he often cries while watching Disney films with his 11-year-old daughter Daisy, and had to stop watching U.S. TV show This Is Us.

“When my wife and I got to season three, I looked at her and said, ‘I can’t do this any more, it’s ruining my life’,” he said.

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