Wolf Alice star: ‘Marilyn Manson filmed up my dress at festival’ – Music News

Marilyn Manson has been accused by Wolf Alice star Ellie Rowsell of filming up her skirt without permission.

The Rock is Dead singer has been dumped by his record label and longtime manager following accusations of abuse from his ex-fiancee, Evan Rachel Wood, and other women that emerged last week.

Now Rowsell has weighed in, tweeting: “Solidarity to Evan Rachel Wood and those calling out Marilyn Manson. It’s sad to see people defending him, just because he put his depravity in plain sight doesn’t give him a free pass to abuse women.”

The British singer went on to allege Manson, whose real name is Brian Warner, aimed a camera up her skirt at a festival.

“I met Marilyn backstage at a festival a few years ago,” she shared.

“After his compliments towards my band became more and more hyperbolic I became suspicious of his behaviour,” she went on.

Detailing: “I was shocked to look down and see he was filming up my skirt with a gopro (camera). There were no repercussions for his behaviour,”

Rowsell fumed: “If he does this kind of thing all the time why on earth has he been headlining festivals for so many years?”

She then questioned: “when will we stop enabling misogynists on the account of their success?” stating: “women must feel safe in the male dominated world that is the music industry.”

The Wolf Alice star admitted she thought twice before posting, but Manson’s response to Wood’s abuse claims, during which he insisted all sex acts between them were consensual, made her realise she should go public.

“I wasn’t sure whether to bring any of this up but Manson claims in his recent statement that his relationships were ‘entirely consensual’ – I don’t think he knows the meaning of consent if he goes around up-skirting young women at festivals,” she wrote, adding: “Thank you for your courage Evan.”

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