Robbie Williams wants to become U.S. TV star – Music News

Robbie Williams has declared that he wants to reinvigorate his career by becoming a U.S. TV star.

The Angels singer famously failed to replicate the success he enjoyed in his native U.K. on the other side of the Atlantic after signing a $106 million (£80 million) record deal in 2002 – but now thinks he can become a major TV star in America.

“I have an abundance waiting for me,” he told his wife, Ayda Field on their At Home with the Williamses podcast.

“I am very, very excited about all the opportunities out there at the minute as I do want to go and test out new lands and those new lands happen to be televisual,” he remarked.

Expounding on the point, Williams explained: “A bit of America in there too. There are hints, scraps, pointers saying, ‘Come to America, Robbie. Do a TV show with us’, which is nice, and I am going, ‘Thank you, you can wait for me though’.”

Although the musician failed at his first crack at U.S. stardom, he has since had a successful Las Vegas residency.

Detailing his plans to move into TV, he added: “There are, like, several TV projects I have got going that I am really, really excited about.”

Williams let slip that his potential projects include: “some comedy things, there is some mainstream 7.30 pm and 8.30 pm stuff at the weekend that I am excited about.”

The hitmaker said he is just waiting for the coronavirus pandemic to abate.

He envisioned: “Once Covid ends, and these opportunities avail themselves, that means I will be working all year,”

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