Wes Borland: ‘Marilyn Manson is a bad guy who needs to face his demons’ – Music News

Marilyn Manson’s former guitarist Wes Borland has blasted the band leader as abuse allegations swirl around him, insisting the shock rocker is a “bad guy”.

The Limp Bizkit star was a member of Manson’s band for less than a year in 2008, but he insisted that was long enough to get to know the Rock is Dead singer.

And a day after Manson’s ex-fiancee Evan Rachel Wood identified the rocker as the abuser she has often mentioned in interviews and social media posts, Borland admits he’s not surprised.

During an appearance on the Twitch channel Space Zebra on Tuesday, the guitarist said: “He’s not a great guy and every single thing that people have said about him is f**king true… They are speaking the truth.”

Conceding that Manson is “amazingly talented,” Borland added: “but he’s f**ked up and he needs to be put in check and he needs to get sober and he needs to come to terms with his demons.”

He added: “He is a bad f**king guy.”

Borland then explained that he knew Mason when the rocker was with Evan Rachel Wood.

“I was at his house. It’s not f**king cool. And that’s all I’m gonna say about it. So if anyone is coming after these girls and going, like, ‘You blah blah blah, this and that’, f**k you.’ That’s all I’m gonna say. Sorry to take this to a dark place, but that guy is cancelled. Goodbye. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out,” he fumed.

After Wood went public with her allegations, claiming Manson “groomed” and “horrifically” abused her for years, a handful of other women posted their own allegations against the singer.

The scandal has cost Manson a record deal and several TV and film roles.

He has issued a statement denying the abuse allegations against him, writing on Instagram: “Obviously, my art and my life have long been magnets for controversy, but these recent claims about me are horrible distortions of reality. My intimate relationships have always been entirely consensual with like-minded partners. Regardless of how – and why – others are now choosing to misrepresent the past, that is the truth.”

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